Family Bible 100 steps

Through the Bible in 100 steps

Samenleesbijbel in 100 stappen in het Engels



  • Gratis verzending vanaf 20 euro
  • Laaggeprijsde uitgaven om weg te geven
  • Koop een bijbel en steun bijbelverspreiding wereldwijd

Family Bible 100 steps

The Family Bible 100 steps has been specially designed for children from around 8 years. Through the hundred steps, you and your family will be able to study the Bible together.

Each step contains the following components:

  • A passage from the Bible to read together
  • An illustration to observe and speak about
  • An activity to do or something to think about
  • Questions for reflection and dialogue
  • Facts about the background of the Bible

Each child’s unique way of learning was considered in producing extra material that has been included. In this way each child can learn from the Bible in their own way and at their own pace.

The Family Bible 100 steps is developed by the Netherlands Bible Society in collaboration with the American Bible Society.

Extra informatie

AuteurNederlands Bijbelgenootschap
IllustratorWendelien Erve
Aantal pagina's235
Nur code224
Gewicht: 845g
Afmetingen: 233 × 210 × 25 mm


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